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1. Scripture teaches that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom” and that Christians are to “love the Lord with all their minds.” Accordingly, we believe in a Christian worldview approach to learning that integrates the truth of the Scriptures with all subject matter. As a result of this conviction, the primary reason for starting a school is not reactionary, but, rather, a calling of the Lord to implement an educational model that, in His time, will produce lives that honor Him in all they do.


2. The field of education is a major battleground in the spiritual warfare that God tells Christians they will encounter. Believers need to be proactive in protecting their right to educate their children from a Christ-centered perspective.


3. It is not possible to teach any subject from a spiritually “neutral perspective”; some worldview, whether God-honoring or not, will be maintained. “Education is built on the foundation of the instructor’s worldview and the worldview of those who developed the curriculum.” (D. Wilson)


4. The God-ordained institution of the family is given the primary authority and responsibility for education.


5. The God-ordained institution of the Church is the pillar of the truth and the proclaimer of God’s grace. The Church’s role in education should never usurp that of the family, but rather, instruct the family from the Scriptures on how to train, teach, and nurture children. The Church and the family need to clearly understand their roles in order for a God-honoring school to exist. By God’s grace, we are striving to be a school that impacts the entire family and encourages each student to become all that God calls him to be.

Parent University

ParentU is a free resource of ClassicalU designed to educate, equip, and engage parents who want to learn more about this educational tradition and form authentic partnerships with school or in their communities. No user account or subscription is required for any of these lessons. We invite school and co-op leaders, as you consider how some of these presentations might best serve yce.

© 2023 by NNK Christian School 

phone: (804) 493-3187         Address: 2054 Neenah Road, Montross, VA 22520  
EIN: 84-2364222
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