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 Northern Neck Christian School and Daycare
Infants through 5th Grade


The Northern Neck Christian School (NNKCS) will prepare students spiritually, academically, and in accordance with their God-given potential to be equipped to stand firm for their beliefs and handle life with boldness.

We will be a community grounded in God’s word, taught from a Biblical worldview, and challenged to achieve academic excellence in order to impact the world for Christ. We are dedicated to producing life-long learners and creating disciples of Christ who exemplify Christian character through service.



NNKCS exists to assist parents in “training up a child in the way he should go.” Proverbs 22:6

The home has the primary responsibility for the children and is their primary source of nurture and guidance.

NNKCS serves as an extension of the home and encourages the student and family to become an active part of the body of Christ and grow in faith and practice.

Every human being has a faith-based perspective or worldview that directs and empowers the way he or she speaks, acts, and lives. The educational perspective of NNKCS is based on the authority of the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God.

Since the primary reason for the existence of the school is a spiritual ministry, evangelistic efforts are made to bring all students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that the teaching of spiritual truths may have a firm foundation.

Romans 10: 9-10


We are created by God in order to bring Him glory.
The ultimate purpose of this life is to know Him and make Him known by glorifying Him with our lives.
Human beings, created in the image of God, fulfill our purpose through a life devoted to Him through worship and service.  Each subject area taught at NNKCS seeks to develop our students’ future service to His glory.

It is the desire of the Northern Neck Christian School that students are discipled throughout their education:

  • to develop in maturity in Jesus Christ

  • are knowledgeable about our faith

  • spread the gospel of Jesus as Savior and Lord

  • stand firm in their convictions

  • live as servants in community

  • to do right because it is their personal conviction

Hands on Learning

In addition to many other life skills, wouldn't you like your child to learn how to wash their hands properly, clean up after him/her self.


These 3, 4, and 5 year old's also learn math, science, geography and reading.

Class Size

10 students per class

Lots of love!!




© 2023 by NNK Christian School 

phone: (804) 493-3187         Address: 2054 Neenah Road, Montross, VA 22520  
EIN: 84-2364222
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