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Our vision is to prepare young people who are equipped and motivated to impact the world for Christ, in their schools, the community, and the church.
The Daycare is from 6-weeks to 3 years old. The school is from PreK3 to 5th grade
(we add a grade every year)
Click here to receive more information about registration and create an an online account.
Parent Testimonials
"God answered our prayer for direction, and we have not doubted for a minute our decision to enroll our daughter at the Northern Neck Christian School. She has attended school with wonderful students who increasingly reflect God’s character as they mature. Her teachers have a rigorous academic approach firmly rooted in a Christian worldview."
~Parent of a 3 year old
My wife and I are filled with gratitude and admiration for Northern Neck Christian School and its impact on our daughter. We have seen remarkable changes in her life.
One of the most heartwarming developments is her newfound appreciation for prayer. She now eagerly leads our family in prayer before every meal, reminding us of the importance of gratitude and our connection to a higher power. This has created a beautiful environment of love and reverence in our home.
Her personal relationship with Jesus has blossomed at Northern Neck Christian School. She often comes home, enthusiastically telling us about her love for Jesus, and it is a joy to see her faith grow stronger each day.
Her academic progress has been equally impressive. It is clear that someone at the school has dedicated time and effort to helping her improve her reading skills. We often find her singing "Go Tell It on the Mountain" with passion and pride, a testament to the nurturing atmosphere at the school.
Her knowledge of the Bible has grown exponentially, as she shares stories and verses such as Genesis 1:1, Chronicles 15:2, and Joel 2:32 with us. She has even begun teaching my wife new things about Jesus, and her happiness in attending school is palpable.
~Parent of a 4 year old
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